Thursday, February 10, 2011

Never thought...

that I would admit to this.  Germany wasn't sunny all of the time.  As a matter of fact it rained a LOT.  A lot more than I wanted to deal with.  It was depressing.  I am solar powered, and needed that sun.  But MAN- when it was sunny, it was GORGEOUS.  You cannot get that everywhere.  In Texas, its sunny most of the time, but its not soooo pretty.  =(  Colorado was just about perfect for me (weather wise), but still....I miss the beauty that was in Germany, on good days, you could look at your surroundings and feel at peace.  Sigh...


  1. I need the sun, too! But I would love to get a chance to check out the weather in Germany!

  2. I miss the sun! If its not snowing its foggy then it rains but i have to agree when the sun comes out oh my its beautiful. i cant wait till its a little warmer to go explore more.

  3. in eastern germany we have lots lots lots of fog. but i agree when the sun comes out (which we dont speak the suns name)its beautiful

  4. tried to leave a comment,maybe i am doing it wrong

  5. No worries, I turned the comment moderation back on, I want to be notified when I receive a comment, so I can comment back! =)

  6. Oh you're right! The sun is wonderful. And I do miss my view that I had.

  7. You lucked out on the solar power. My landlord said they keep raising the heating costs in the village to make people put in solar panels.

    I think it's pretty when it's sunny here because we don't get it often, and you truly cherish and make the most of when the weather is decent.


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