Monday, January 21, 2013

AND we've moved!

Paul got stationed down at Fort Sam, so we are living in the gorgeous big city that is San Antonio!  I'm so excited, and a little stressed, we snagged a great big house though, so that will help when I want people to come visit.  We've been trying out restaurants, and checking out shops, we are trying to get renters into our old house, that's been financially straining, but hopefully soon we will have renters, otherwise, our credit cards are going to start going up, up, and up.  But instead of talking about our financial issues right now, I wanted to share one of the first restaurants that we tried down here.  Its called Siam, its a Thai food restaurant in Schertz, TX.  Talk about awesome.  I've NEVER had traditional Thai food, so we went and we tried this egg dish with tomatoes and onions, mouthwatering good, but sweet and different.  Then we also tried a noodle dish with rice noodles, beef and veggies, it was amazing.  We, of course, had no leftovers because Paul and I have implemented a new system.  WE order two adult meals, and we share with the kids, it works for us, and forces our girls to try something new and not get a grilled cheese that I can make at home for less than a dollar at a restaurant.  I'm so proud of my girls, they tried everything and liked most of it, they were weirded out by the egg dish, but all is well in the world and we had a great time!  It DOES take a while for the food to come out, but I'm a strong believer that its because the food is made fresh to order, I also know a bit of European culture having been to Germany and while Europe is nowhere near Thailand, I know that Europe is big on family and also takes a while to get your food out, so you have a chance to chat with your family before the meal.  Americans are so rushed these days, we all want to get in, get out, and get on with life.  I'm guilty too, however, sometimes its nice to sit and rest, and chit chat with my girls.  They are very excited to be moving and checking out a new school.  We can't wait to see what this new adventure brings to us.  For now, I have no job, and nothing in my house to occupy me, so don't be surprised if I come visit more often!  =)

P.S.  I was so hungry that I forgot to take pictures, but you can be sure in my next review of a restaurant that pictures will be taken, and will be making you least I hope is a win win for both of us, lol.

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